Counselling Support for clients with Dermatological AutoImmune Diseases such as HS-Hidradenitis Suppurative, Shingles, and Psoriasis. Hypnotherapy –  Helping with ANXIETY, PERSONAL GROWTH, HEALING, BALANCE, and PERFORMANCE

Cheryl Otterbein RTC, HT,

Psychotherapist/Registered Therapeutic Counsellor.

Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist/Instructor.

Call Now 

(780) 554-6561

  • I went to see Cheryl about my stress & anxiety.  She put me into a calm relaxed state and not only did I sleep really well that night following my session, more importantly my anxiety has disappeared.  I have been able to resume my daily life without all the stress from life’s drama it caused in the past.

Thanks Cheryl!
