Symptoms & Issues Addressed
Whatever your concern, your journey begins with a complimentary phone consultation to determine which package will work best for the issues you seek to address. During this half-hour exploration, we offer a care plan tailored to your needs.
The following are examples of the symptoms and issues that Life is Now Therapy can address through care programs ranging from one to ten sessions.

Stress and Anxiety
Stress can steal away much of life’s enjoyment, but it can also be greatly reduced when you know-how. Therapeutic hypnosis helps empower you to rise above your fears, limitations and negative beliefs. It helps calm you down, creates lasting peace of mind, and generate a new habit of being calm and relaxed.

Weight Release
Hypnosis may be more effective than diet and exercise alone for people looking to lose weight. The idea is that the mind can be influenced to change habits like overeating. This is key because the heart of why hypnosis works is because it teaches you to have more willpower.

Fears & Phobias
Severe phobias are set deep in the subconscious mind and can become impossible to conquer using only conscious effort. Happily, hypnotherapy provides extremely effective help for these issues by teaching the mind a different way of responding to the feared object or situation.

Concentration & Focus
Distracted? Dreamy? Confused? Learn how to discipline, direct and command your mind to create a powerful, unshakeable, rock-solid, ability to focus. Psychologists call this state of pure concentration, totally free of all outside distraction, ‘flow’, or ‘zone’.

Anger Management
Not only is the regular expression of anger damaging to your health, but it makes those around you nervous, causing them to change their behavior towards you. Soon, your mere presence in a room changes the way people feel, increasing anxiety and fear, and reducing their ability to relax and have fun or even just get on with their job.

Although bouts of insomnia normally come and go, it can easily get out of hand and become a chronic pattern. Learning to relax both physically and mentally is something that you will have to do in order to fall asleep, and that’s exactly what hypnotherapy facilitates.

Sleeping Disorders
Although bouts of insomnia normally come and go, it can easily get out of hand and become a chronic pattern. Learning to relax both physically and mentally is something that you will have to do in order to fall asleep, and that’s exactly what hypnotherapy facilitates. Therapeutic Hypnosis teaches you how to induce sleep by relaxing your mind and condition your brain to quiet down for a good night’s rest.

Smoking Cessation
Hypnotherapy is widely promoted as a method for aiding smoking cessation. It is proposed to act on underlying impulses to weaken the desire to smoke or strengthen the will to stop. With the help of a hypnotherapist, the smoker can begin to untangle and quiet the web of subconscious thoughts that keep the addiction in place.

Hypnotherapy is a nonstandard treatment that uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness that is sometimes called a trance. In this naturally occurring state, a person may focus his or her attention on specific thoughts or tasks.

Because traumatic events are out of the ordinary and painful, those memories don’t easily connect with other life experiences. Hypnosis may be used to help link the patient’s strengths as well as a sense of calm and mastery of the original trauma. This aids in the healing process.

Addictions/Bad Habits
With hypnotherapy, you can access the most powerful force within your mind. I am speaking of your subconscious mind. Often a person’s choices within life, although seemingly made through conscious and rational decisions, are actually determined by the beliefs and motivations that reside within their subconscious mind.

We all do it. Putting off this medical exam, not paying that bill, not returning an important phone call… Until it becomes embarrassing, then costly, and then damaging to our life. Beating procrastination can literally lead to a whole new life – all it takes is a desire to change, a decision to act, and a little help from our subconscious mind.

Peak Performance
What separates a good performer from a true champion? The mind. You can formulate a plan to be at your very best, train hard, eat right. However, without the right mindset, you will never perform to your true potential. If you have doubt or fear or are stuck in a slump, Sports Hypnosis can help you quickly eliminate the mental blocks that are holding you back and let you (re-)discover your best athlete.

Chronic Pain Relief
With hypnotherapy, you can access the most powerful force within your mind. I am speaking of your subconscious mind. Often a person’s choices within life, although seemingly made through conscious and rational decisions, are actually determined by the beliefs and motivations that reside within their subconscious mind.

Relief of Menopause Symptoms

Grief and Loss
Hypnosis is excellent help for bereavement, because the techniques are able to teach you how you can consciously decide to think a certain way about your loss. Your mind is powerful, and changing its thought patterns from grief stricken sadness and anger to love and memories can go a long way toward help with bereavement.

Erectile Disfunction (ED)
Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes called impotence, is an embarrassing and devastating challenge that most men are afraid to talk about. It can impact romantic relationships, emotions, and self-esteem. ED occurs when not enough blood flows to the penis to maintain an erection during sexual activity.

Creative Blocks
Creative block is one of those things that gets worse the more you think about it. However much you try and forget the idea of the block, it still lurks there, increasing stress and anxiety and making it even less likely that creativity will come. Hypnotherapy can stop you from putting the wrong sort of pressure on yourself and free up your creativity so that creative blocks simply melt away, leaving the ideas free to flow.
Contact us today and get your free consultation to begin your journey.
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We offer 2 package plans as well as single sessions (sessions run approx. 2 hours). Purchase a 5 session package and save 20% or a 10 session package and save 30%. These packages are perfect for approaching deeply ingrained issues like smoking cessation, weight loss, and/or anxiety.
*Regular hourly rates without a care plan package
**Services provided as a result of a written referral from your family doctor may be able to be claimed. Contact your healthcare insurance provider to see if they cover my services.
Payment is required upon booking your care package.